Category: Dream To Launch

abstract color rings
A.D. Cook


You can dream, conceive, and believe, anything you desire. But, nothing happens until you imagine it. Through your imagination, you can go anywhere, do anything, and conceive wondrously inspired ideas. You can choose to become anyone, or do anything, you desire.

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Dream To Launch — Dream•Do•Launch
A.D. Cook

What is Holding You Back from Your Big Dream?

Getting your ideas out of your head and into the world can be both fun, and quite honestly, a bit daunting. Today everything moves and changes at lightning speed. Now, more than ever, it’s vital to understand the complexity of your project and all its variables.​

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Dream To Launch by A.D. Cook and Beti Kristof
A.D. Cook

Dream To Launch Book

DREAM TO LAUNCH, Co-authored by A.D. Cook and Beti Kristof, Book design by A.D. Cook © 2018. PROJECT TOOLS: Pencil, InDesign, and Photoshop.

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