Adrenaline Meets Tradition On Canvas
LUSTER Art Exhibit Open Now LUSTER will be in residence at the National Corvette Museum through the end of 2024. See art juxtaposed against Corvettes, motorcycles, and other automotive icons
LUSTER Art Exhibit Open Now LUSTER will be in residence at the National Corvette Museum through the end of 2024. See art juxtaposed against Corvettes, motorcycles, and other automotive icons
I’m excited to share that my Corvette art, MOMENTUM, which features CREATION and EVOLUTION, was seen in the New York Times as part of a feature article on America’s Sports Car titled “Corvette Bucked a Sports Cars Decline. Can It Thrive in an E.V. Era?” Also featured is my AMERICA painting of a Harley-Davidson chopper from 2016.
Beauty in the Abstract: A.D Cook and Hyper-Realism Art — magazine interview by Robert Maxhimer, Director of Cultural Affairs & Education at the National Corvette Museum, Bowling Green, Kentucky.
Long before artificial intelligence consumed all conversations related to the blurred line of assisted creativity, artists had often found themselves at the center of the question, “How is art defined?” Art, whether a sculpture, painting, photograph, theatrical production, or film, is inherently subjective and interpreted only through the eyes of the individual viewing it at that given moment. The viewer consumes and digests the art, not as a computer program might with cold ones and zeros, but through the filter of their memories, experiences, and opinions formed over many years or seconds before their eyes reach the canvas.
The LUSTER automotive and motorcycle realism art exhibition will be hosted at Blue Buffalo Gallery in downtown San Angelo for its forthcoming display of the LUSTER Exhibition.
Worldwide Auctioneers recently visited the Auburn Cord Duesenberg Museum and interviewed museum Executive Director & CEO, Brandon Anderson. Enjoy the video.
LUSTER Exhibition on display for the next few months at the Auburn Cord Duesenberg Automobile Museum, Auburn, IN.
Show Cars, Motorcycles, and Fine Art: A new A.D. Cook & Beti Kristof exhibit opens at Railroad Pass Casino, Boulder City, Nevada.
Museum art curator David J. Wagner, has curated dozens of art shows at major museums throughout the United States, is putting together an impressive collection of realistic motorcycle art and automotive painting for his upcoming show, LUSTER: Realism and Hyperrealism in Contemporary Automobile and Motorcycle Painting.
I’m honored to be featured on the cover of Art & Beyond Magazine, Special Nude, and Figurative Art Edition. My painting, ECLIPSE, has always been one of the favorites of my most painted muses.
ART & BEYOND ~ artist A.D. Cook interview 07/21/16. “Art has such a healing power. My art nudes are created to celebrate, edify, and inspire.” — A.D.
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital does so much to help children in need across the world that it would be hard to share their whole story here.
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Site created and maintained by A.D. Cook