Celebrating 16 Years on LinkedIn
There’s something about the professional atmosphere and the focus on networking that sets LinkedIn apart from other social media sites.
There’s something about the professional atmosphere and the focus on networking that sets LinkedIn apart from other social media sites.
With my recent move to Arizona, I’ve fallen a bit behind on my posts and updates. So far behind, in fact, that I missed acknowledging a huge social milestone. It turns out that as of April 2024, I have been posting (tweeting) on Twitter/X for fifteen years running, celebrating art and creativity.
Recently, I shared that I set up a new YouTube channel for my art and Corvette art project at YouTube/@ADCook. Lately, I’ve been enjoying creating 15 second video shorts of my older paintings and new artwork as it progresses.
I’ve been putting this off for ages, but I recently decided it was finally time to resolve my old YouTube issues and build a new channel to host and share my videos — the old and new alike. My new YouTube channel ( YouTube.com/@ADCook ) includes several art creation videos of my automotive-inspired art, motorcycle portraits, and fine art nudes on canvas and metal, event videos from various art shows and exhibits, along with my observations and stories of art, love, Las Vegas, and beyond.
After fourteen years on Twitter@ADCookArt, this dreamer of dreams and maker of things has gone blue. I’m not sure why I decided to go blue verified, except that after twelve-point-seven thousand tweets, I still find Twitter a viable platform to connect and share ideas, and hey, I like checkmarks!
“When it comes to a great idea, you know it when you see it.”
That is Pinterest’s tagline. But, of course, I would not have even known that unless I visited Pinterest as I did this morning when they declared that violation of our Community Guidelines on adult content. Bots, what do they know?
I was hooked when I posted my first pic on June 11, 2013, of Backdraft. Since then, I’ve shared over twenty-three hundred fun pics and videos, and still enjoy posting something almost every day.
The Facebook/ADCookArtist page is now current. If we’re friends on my Facebook profile (Facebook.com/ADCookArt) you may have seen my post about the page updates. For anyone unfamiliar with Facebook’s profiles vs pages, here’s how they identify them.
So, this morning Facebook popped up an old memory (as it often does) of a few of the art nude paintings I had shared previously (back in 2014) and invited me to share them again. Nothing new here; we all get those. And since, ironically, today I am celebrating my 15th year on ModelMayhem.com, I thought I’d take Facebook up on their offer and share my post from six years earlier again today with my FB friends.
My, how the Internet has grown. Web sites are cool, powerful, and dynamic. Video is everywhere. Social media is everything. Sharing is easier than ever. Welcome to the future…
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Site created and maintained by A.D. Cook