2013 Fast Forward Flashback

FAST FORWARD Ferrari painting by A.D. Cook, 2013

My Creative Shift

Of the assorted projects and artworks I created a decade ago (2013), my Ferrari FF painting, FAST FORWARD, stands high among my favorites.

Back in 2013, I shared that sometimes life presents me with a renewed vision and opportunity. When I mentioned “Vision,” I was acknowledging that my subject of attention is in alignment with my passion. At that time, I was sharing my love for exotic cars and that the design cues and graceful lines of amazingly-beautiful cars are often inspired by the graceful lines of a beautiful woman. My painting, Fast Forward, features a beautiful lady in her own right – the Ferrari FF, Ferrari’s only four-wheel-drive four-seater – in this case, a 2012 model in pearl white, which I had the opportunity to experience first-hand before creating my artwork.

But it you look deeper into a epic car’s design, the soft flowing lines are elegant and completely female. I still stand by that, and of the handful of car designers I’ve chatted with, most will agree. They, like me, learned to draw by drawing the human body, and lines inspired by nature. Beauty inspires them the same way that it inspires me – they way that it inspires all of us. In many ways, creating art of beautifully-inspired cars is as close to creating fine art nudes as anyone can get in a mechanical world.

Rewinding back on posts from a decade ago reminds me of where I was headed (and still headed) with my art and reaffirms that I’m on the same authentic path of painting what I love. Tens years later, I am still painting (and writing about) the same passions that drove me then and continue driving me to create. In a word, it all comes down to “Beauty,” whatever that means to you. My translation of beauty is explored and shared deep within my art and the pages of this website over a lifetime.

More from 2013

All in all, I created quite a few artworks in ’23, including a couple of paintings and a few pastels and drawings, including VALENTINE in dry pastel, BLISS in oil pastel, and GABRIELA in a sepia Conté pencil, but mostly I did a ton of writing, including about sixty posts that year.

For a full recap, read my 2013 ~ YEAR IN REVIEW post.

Looking Forward

My current focus is on the Corvette 70th Anniversary diptych paintings currently on my easel and their unveiling in March of 2024. I’m hugely excited about this project. As a longtime Corvette enthusiast, I couldn’t imagine a greater honor as an artist to show my art at the National Corvette Museum next year.

Eternal mixed media metal artwork [cropped] by A.D. CookAt the same time, having just finished my latest life-size metal art nude, ETERNAL, I feel inspired to take my metal artwork to another level. I have the vision for a new piece, the metal, and I have my muse. All that’s left is everything.

And, as always, I would love to discuss your ideas should you desire to create something uniquely special through a commissioned artwork. Let’s create something special together!

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