2013 ~ Year In Review

2013 has been a memorable year for me… to say the least.

If there ever was a time when life took a big turn, this year was that for me. I would have to say that 2013 will always be remembered as a year of change for me. Some things for the better, others not so much. But that’s the same for all of us, I suppose. As my friend Frank likes to remind me… “Life is a never-ending series of temporary events.”


In many ways, the year started out like most others: art, drawing, paintings, a few shows, and lots of writing. So rather than sharing every little happening with you here, I’m going to run through the important stuff and bring you all up to date.

I started out by returning to the art media of the past, creating new figurative works in soft pastel and oil pastel.


VALENTINE – In celebration of LOVE… 24″ x 36″, pastel on sanded pastel paper. She was completed and signed on 2/14/13.


BLISS – 36″ x 24″, oil pastel on sanded pastel paper.

Watch for a new series of pastel creations in 2014.

ArtisticLifestyles030913In March, I teamed up with ArtisticLifestyles Gallery in Las Vegas to showcase and represent my art.


NIRVANA, TRUTH, NEXUS, and INFINITY at ArtisticLifestyles Gallery, Las Vegas.


Kathryn and Dargo

On a personal note, probably the most epic change in my life this past year was the departure of my wife and dog. After 29 years together, Kathryn and I parted ways. We divorced in April, and she has since moved on while I’ve decided to remain in Las Vegas. I wish her the best in her new journey. April was also an especially tough month for me as my dog Dargo passed away too. She was 15.

Life is a never-ending series of temporary events.

— Frank Mallinder, from his book “Practical Wisdom”


Barney Davey, Steve Soffa, and A.D. Cook

On a more uplifting note, I enjoyed some quality time at Arizona Bike Week hanging out with the motorcycle crowd last April. I enjoyed working with master artisan Steve Soffa, meeting Barney Davey and a ton of other great folks at the rally, and catching up with old friends. And it was nice to see Phoenix again (I’m originally from Phoenix).


A.D. and the beautiful Kaycee at Arizona Bike Week.

Not long after my return home from Arizona, I was invited to Canada by my good friend Dwayne Bell ( from BodyInMind.com ). He offered me the opportunity to hang out in his studio and do a couple of model shoots together. Obviously, I agreed – how could I not?


A.D. with model/muse Gabriella. Photo by Dwayne Bell.


At Niagara Falls, Canada.

Later, after my return home, I couldn’t resist creating a portrait of the beautiful Gabriela.


Gabriela – 17″ x 14″ drawing on Bristol paper – 2013 © A.D. Cook. Bell Collection.

Fast Forward

FAST FORWARD –  36″ x 60″, original painting on canvas © 2013 – Red Rock H-D Collection, Las Vegas, NV

Years ago, I did a series of motorcycle paintings — big epic original artworks celebrating the passion and freedom of the two-wheel lifestyle. I enjoyed creating them, mostly, I think, because they represented something I was (and still am) passionate about – motorcycles and the culture and lifestyle that surrounds them. I love that world and still have lifelong friends through my connection to the American motorcycle community.

After wrapping up the motorcycle series, I shifted gears and went a couple of different directions, reconnecting with abstract art and celebrating timeless beauty with my decade-long series of figurative paintings. I started my life-size and larger nudes on canvas and metal in 2003, and I have no doubt that I’ll create art nudes until I can paint no more.

Sometimes, though, life presents you with a renewed vision and opportunity. Vision because the subject of attention is in alignment with a passion. In this case, I truly love exotic cars. I always have. You only have to read past blog posts to see that. The design cues and graceful lines of exotic cars are often inspired by a beautiful woman. Fast Forward to 2013. My newest creation features a beautiful lady in her own right – the Ferrari FF, Ferrari’s only four-wheel-drive four-seater – in this case, a 2012 model in pearl white, which I recently had the opportunity to experience first-hand and create a painting in celebration.


This year, I started the design and layout of my coffee table book “Muse, a Celebration of Truth and Beauty.” My book features a selection of my favorite art nude paintings and thoughts and perspectives on both art and muse. It is nearing completion and will be available soon.


I recently took the time to create my creative timeline on Facebook. A huge selection of my artworks from the last couple of decades is represented by my creative journey and chronicles my art from abstracts to motorcycle paintings to figurative art and everything else along the way from 1993 to current works. I’m excited to share my creative journey with you at Facebook.com.


And finally, most recently, I moved out of the house that Kathyrn and I shared and just moved into a house with fellow artist Michael Wardle. We’ve dubbed our new home “ArtHaven.” We’re just getting settled, and I’m setting up the new studio. I’m really looking forward to a creative 2014. It’s my plan to share lots of great new art with you here.


ArtHaven – A.D. Cook art


ArtHaven – Michael Wardle art

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Throughout the course of the year, I did a lot of writing. They say it’s good for the soul. But I really had no idea until now that I had written so many blog posts this year. My Blog posts from 2013 (in order of posting):

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I’m excited to enter the New Year, refreshed and renewed. I wish you all the same.


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