Category: Blog

Pinterest Community Standards Violation 09/06/22
A.D. Cook

Dist By Pinterest

“When it comes to a great idea, you know it when you see it.”
That is Pinterest’s tagline. But, of course, I would not have even known that unless I visited Pinterest as I did this morning when they declared that violation of our Community Guidelines on adult content.

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Nirvana by A.D. Cook
A.D. Cook

2012 Flashback

Twenty-twelve was a prolific year for me. Over that year, I created a stainless steel metal wall art (Ascension) and painted four canvas life-size and more giant fine art nudes, including; Truth, Ascendant, Jubilee, Premier, and Nirvana, and wrapped it up with a series of abstract artworks. Please read my

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Elvis Presley '68 Comeback Tour mural by A.D. Cook for Hollywood Video
A.D. Cook

Viva Las Vegas!

Do you remember where you were 45 years ago today? I do. I was a young teenager working as a carry-out boy at a local Thriftway grocery store in Oregon City, Oregon, on August 16, 1977, That was the day Elvis Presley died and I remember it like it was

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Alexa - The Web Information Company
A.D. Cook

Au Revoir Alexa

Thank you,, for decades of valuable insight and the awesome service of providing valuable stats to web designers.

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