Category: Blog

Museum of the Rockies Museum Member-Only New Exhibition Preview, Jan 21, 2022
A.D. Cook

Museum of the Rockies Members-Only New Exhibition Preview

Friday, January 21, 5:00-6:30 PM Museum of the Rockies members will have the opportunity to preview the new changing exhibition, LUSTER: Realism and Hyperrealism in Contemporary Automotive and Motorcycle Painting. As an exhibiting artist, I feel truly privileged to showcase my collection of epic original paintings from my motorcycle series

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A.D. Cook Safe

Brilliantly Safe for Content & Links. I’m honored to share that the website has received a award for Internet safety.

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Dream 103 NFT digital scan on OpenSea
A.D. Cook

My First Art NFT

It’s exciting when something new happens, like when graphic design went digital, like when the Internet first started, when cameras went digital, like the day when peanut butter met jam. Regular readers of my posts know that I am relatively new to this whole Crypto/NFT experience. But then, I’ve never

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Luster Banner Featuring A.D. Cook Artwork at Lyman Allyn Museum, 2021
A.D. Cook

Luster Tour Update: January 2022

Special Thanks to The Lyman Allyn Art Museum for a Great Run! LUSTER has arrived in Bozeman, Montana, and will open at The Museum of The Rockies on January 22 for display through May 1, 2022.

Read More » Alexa Top 100k Global Rank
A.D. Cook

Thank You, Alexa

In today’s Internet world, an artist has to be a creative entrepreneur, a web designer, and a marketer, along with a lot of other skills to succeed on any level, both online and on the Internet. It can be a lot to keep up with and still make time to

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RSS Feed at
A.D. Cook

News Feeds at

Just recently, I updated this website to include News Feeds from my favorite sources on art news, cryptocurrency, Las Vegas, luxury and lifestyle, museum updates, and NFTs. Each of the categories has a selection of trust industry feeds. Check out your favorite sources and keep up on their newsworthy stories,

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Bespoke Original Artworks by A.D. Cook
A.D. Cook

A Bespoke 2022

As we wrap up an old (and tired) year, I can’t help but be excited for what lies ahead. 2021 was my year to return to the studio. I’m back at the easel with a renewed vision and a deeper passion for creating new art!

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from A.D. Cook
A.D. Cook

Merry Christmas 2021

What a year 2021 has been. In some ways, it was a year of regrouping and adjusting to what many refer to as “the new normal.” Normal? What is normal, anyway? From an artist’s perspective, it’s business as usual. Change is inevitable. Change is good.

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Black Butterflies
A.D. Cook

Art NFTs

There Has Been a Lot of Talk About NFTs Lately, Especially Art NFTs. Lately, almost everywhere I go, I am often asked if my art is available as NFTs. At first, I have to admit, I had little idea of what they were talking about. This whole “NFT thing” came

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DREAM 103 by A.D. Cook, motorcycle artist
A.D. Cook

Motorcycle and Auto-Art Video

Motorcycle and Auto-Art Video featuring Autumn Riders, Brickyard Bull, Dream 103, Fast Forward, For Show, Indian Summer, and Passing Time original artworks by A.D. Cook.

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